Wer ruft an? – ERFAHRUNGSBERICHTE Wem gehört diese Rufnummer



17. Oktober 2010

On Saturday the 16th of October I got a call from Time out for vacations offering me a free vacation in Mexico for 5 days and 6 nights and in Orlando, Florida. I did not trust them and denied to give my visanumbers. , but I gave my address in Europe and if they are honest they can jolly well send their confirmation, that I may trust them, and their offer of sending me 2100 Euros. Why would they send the money now, when they do not know when I would use the offer??? perhaps in 12 months....How is their economy? waisting money around???
I have got similar queer letters from Sibiria, and Nigeria, and Uganda. So I am very suspicious.
Hanna of Denmark

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Anruf von 0013028570302 bekommen? Kommentiere Deine Erfahrung und helfe anderen mehr über diese Nummer zu erfahren.
eintrag von Hanna

Kommentare (2)
  1. This is a scam I go the same call, my wife gave the number, and didnt know that card was close to the limit, but at the same day a 700 $ amout from timout travel was atempte without our consent

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  2. I am from Belgium and I got the sam call from 007024728477 on 6-11-2010. I got reference number 19106130 from Time out with phone number 0013028570302 to call them when i had some questions about the vacation. They are so clever to take money of my card and using my phone-line on my credit.

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